Who’s that gargantuan figure pounding on your front door in the dead of night? His face is obscured by a long, shaggy mane of unkempt hair. The musk of cheap piss radiates from his very being. One thing is for sure: he ain’t here to deliver you a letter.
Brought alive in 2018, Bad Hagrid tells stories of unique but relatable characters and is putting them forward to a National audience.
Bad Hagrids' debut album, Bad Hagrid and The Planet of The Androgynites, was released during lockdown on the 8th of May 2020 as the first audible step into the New Zealand Music Industry. Since the release Bad Hagrid has been pushing and shoving into the industry leaving a wake of beard oil, stray hair, and sporadic drops of poly-juice.
Let Bad Hagrid guide you on a sonic journey through psychedelic synth soundscapes and soulful vocal melodies to frenetic guitar riffs and visceral drum grooves – of course, not without making a detour through the spicy meme jungles.